WHAT: 29th Annual Hunger Walk WHEN: Saturday June 21, 2014 Registration 7am; Step-off 830am WHERE: Soldier Field 1410 Museum Campus Dr, Chicago, IL 60605 SUPPORT: La Casa Norte Charity (LCN)
Join the AAAYA Chicago on Saturday June 21 for the 29th Annual 5k Hunger Walk at Soldier Field to help fight hunger in Chicago. There’s NO cost to participate yet for every one of us there, La Casa Norte will receive $12 towards their food program. If enough people walk, La Casa Norte should be able to make enough money to supply their pantries for an entire year and will be able to continue to provide food for youth and families who are at-risk or experiencing homelessness. You can mingle with your fellow Yalies on this walk and talk to the staff of La Casa to find out other ways to help if you like. You can make a difference. Bring your friends, families, co-workers. Let’s do this together!
Please RSVP or send questions to Genea by Thurs. June 19th at aaaya.chicago@gmail.com (**You can show up day of but if you RSVP by 6/19 I’ll be able to update you on the designated LCN meeting place and provide a head count to LCN)
La Casa Norte’s mission is to serve youth and families confronting homelessness by providing stable housing and services (such as life-skills and technology training, employment-readiness, case management and therapy, food, clothing, and transportation assistance) to transform lives and communities. (3 Locations: Logan Square , Humboldt Park and Back of the Yards) www.lacasanorte.org