DATE: SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 Soccer Game begins at 730pm Â
Tailgating begins at 6pm
WHERE: Toyota Park 7000 S. Harlem Avenue, Bridgeview, Illinois 60455 Located at 71st Street and Harlem Avenue
COST: $18Â (includes discounted ticket)
Must be purchased by Tuesday September 16th.
Questions? Or to buy tickets:Â Please email Genea at aaaya.chicago@gmail.com
Join AAAYA Chicago and YPC for our annual Chicago Fire soccer outing. Is the Chicago Fire’s fire strong enough to stop DC United’s blazing streak of 13 wins this season? If you’ve been to a game you know how much fun they are and if you haven’t been this is a great way to experience a Chicago sporting event with fellow Yalies and friends. With this discounted ticket, we will be in the skyway seat section and be entered into a drawing to win Chicago Fire memorabilia. (Tickets will be under your name at will call.)Â
For more info and to purchase tickets please email Genea at aaaya.chicago@gmail.com
 (tickets are limited, nonrefundable and need to be purchased through AAAYA Chicago in order to be grouped together)
Hope to see you there!