DIM SUM BRUNCH AAAYA New York Chapter November 5, 2016
The New York Chapter of AAAYA invites all Yalies and friends to our upcoming Dim Sum Brunch, our monthly get-together to meet new and old friends over tasty food and fun conversation. We’ll be meeting in Manhattan Chinatown (look for the table with our members in Yale gear)!
WHAT: AAAYA New York November Dim Sum Brunch WHERE: Shanghai Asia Manor, 21 Mott Street, New York, NY 10013 WHEN: November 5, 2016 at 11:00 AM WHO: Yalies and friends HOW MUCH: No cost to join, but we will split the tab amongst the attendees (usually $15 or less depending on our appetites… please bring cash) RSVP: Email aaayanewyork@gmail.com to let us know you’ll be there!
We look forward to seeing you! Please also take note of our last Dim Sum Brunch for the year 2016: December 3 at Nyonya. Here are some photos of our last Dim Sum Brunch from October!
