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AAAYA NorCal: 3rd Annual Yale Summer Potluck Picnic – Palo Alto, CA – Sa 7/23 – I

AAAYA NorCal:  3rd Annual Yale Summer Potluck Picnic – Palo Alto, CA – Sa 7/23

The Northern California Chapter of the Association of Asian American Yale Alumni (AAAYA) would like to invite you to our 3rd Annual Yale Summer Potluck Picnic — a fun event for alumni of all ages, local Yale Students home for the summer, and members of the Class of 2015.  This would be a great opportunity to network with friendly alums, meet old and new friends, and to provide a warm welcome to the pre-frosh/current students/graduating seniors.  Children, parents and friends of Yalies are not only welcome, but are encouraged to join in the fun.

To see a recap and photos from a previous picnic visit

Picnic details: * Potluck Picnic at Mitchell Park, 600 East Meadow Drive in Palo Alto (map) * Saturday, July 23rd, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. * Bring a hearty appetizer or main dish to share * We’ll have a volleyball net set up for a spirited game

If you already own folding picnic/camping chairs and/or blankets, please bring them if convenient to supplement the picnic table seating capacity.

We hope you’ll be able to join us!  Please sign up early and please help spread the word and bring your friends.

David Hsiao ’84 TD and Harry Chang ’84 SY are heading this annual event.  People interested in helping out David and Harry with the picnic, please send an email to (click here to reveal email address) and put “Summer Picnic” in the email subject line along with your contact info.

Those interested in helping out with follow up calls to personally invite the students and their families/friends to the Yale Summer  Picnic, please contact me at (click here to reveal email address)  and put “Student Outreach” in the email subject line and in the body of the email let me know your contact info, how many calls you are willing to make, and what dates you are available to make these calls in the few weeks preceeding 7/23.

Julie Wong ’84 TC, President, AAAYA NorCal


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