Saturday, April 29, 10 a.m. – 12 noon
Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus (AAAJ-ALC), 55 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco.
On the 100th day after the new presidential administration took office, Asian American Yale alumni will speak about its impact on our communities. Get up early and join Assemblymember Rob Bonta ’93, JD ’98; Katharine Gin ’94, Winnie Kao ’96, and Joyce Xi ’16, along with moderator Grant Din ’79 for this lively panel.
Rob Bonta will speak about state level actions he and others have introduced in response to federal actions, then take questions because he has to leave early. Winnie Kao of AAAJ – ALC will speak about its 100 Days of Justice campaign, and continued activities to follow. Katherine Gin of Educators for Fair Consideration will speak about what undocumented students, including a number of Asian Americans, are facing, and what E4FC is doing in response. Joyce Xi of AAAJ-ALC will talk about efforts it is taking regarding national security issues, and Grant Din of the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation will provide a historic overview on similarities between current day actions and the Chinese Exclusion Act and other federal actions. Questions and answers will follow.
55 Columbus Avenue is six blocks from the Montgomery Street BART/Muni station. There are street parking and pay lots nearby. The event is free, but please register early on our Eventbrite page if you are attending because space is limited. Feel free to forward to individuals.
Email Grant Din at for questions.