CONTACT: AAAYA Secretary Eric Moy, info@aaaya.org
WASHINGTON – The Association of Asian American Yale Alumni (AAAYA) released the following statement in response to the recent increase in discrimination against the Asian American community.
“The Association of Asian American Yale Alumni (AAAYA) condemns the divisive rhetoric that has intentionally categorized COVID-19 as the “Chinese” virus. We are deeply concerned about the increased reports of anti-Asian discrimination, prejudice, and harassment globally. This xenophobic rhetoric is intolerable and targets communities of our own, some of whom have been part of the frontline medical support. AAAYA will not accept stereotyping and violence against any group for any reason, especially during times like these.
“We endorse the following statement from the Association of American Universities:
‘Now is the time for all of us to come together to support each other. Viruses have no nationality, no religion, no ethnicity, and no gender. As the leaders of America’s leading research universities, we ask all Americans to support each other as we deploy every tool at our disposal to protect our communities and fight this disease.’
“Like many of you, we were saddened to hear about the cancellation of this year’s reunions, and commencement activities. But as President Salovey said, Yale’s history has included many “momentous events” – some quite sad. We will make it together, through these trying times.
“Our hearts go out to all the families with loved ones who are suffering from, or have passed from COVID-19. We also want to express our gratitude to all the hard-working frontline workers and first responders who put everything on the line, every day. Thank you.”
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