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Based on a groundswell of interest from fellow alumni, we are pleased to announce the first ever Yale Asian Alumni Reunion in New Haven!  This fabulous, fun-filled historic event is set for the weekend of April 11 – 13, 2014.

We’ll have illustrious alumni keynote speakers, illuminating talks by Yale faculty, interesting sessions featuring alumni from all over the world, networking opportunities galore, fabulous entertainment by student groups, and an incredible dance-til-you-drop PAAAAARTY!

The reunion will be for alumni, by alumni, so we really need your help and input.  Here’s just a short list of volunteer areas:

  1. Sponsorships and Fundraising

  2. Speakers/Panelists or Events

  3. Webmaster/Communications

  4. Alumni Ambassadors – to contact friends and classmates

  5. Logistics

There are numerous tasks, small and large, complex and straightforward, to meet your schedule and interests.  So sign up and join with us to make this inaugural reunion extra special, nostalgic, insightful and meaningful.  We’d appreciate any gift of time you can spare.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

To pre-register your interest in the reunion, like our Facebook page and/or RSVP to the Facebook event.

Mark your calendars for April 11-13, 2014, to make history and part of the best Yale reunion ever!


Yale Asian Alumni Reunion Steering Committee

Harry Chang, SY ’84 (, Co-Chair

Julie Wong, TC ’86 (, Co-Chair

Trish Takemoto, TC ’76, AAAYA New York Chapter Vice President

Chris Lapinig, CC ’07/Law ’13

Saveena Dhall, Assistant Dean, Yale College – Asian American Cultural Center

Henry Kwan, M.A. ’05/Director for Shared Interest Groups, AYA

Yale Asian American Reunion sponsored by the Association of Asian American Yale Alumni (AAAYA) and the Association of Yale Alumni (AYA)

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