We hope you’re looking forward to your reunion weekend! AACC would like to cordially invite you to to an afternoon reception on the Saturday of your Reunion Weekend, May 26, 2012 & June 2, 2012, 3-4:30pm. Come see how the Asian American community has grown, re-connect with old friends, and meet Yalies from other classes. Hear more about AAAYA, the
Association of Asian American Yale Alumni. Please invite your friends and family!
Event: Reception at the Asian American Cultural Center for alumni and guests
Day/Time: May 26, 2012 & June 2, 2012, 3-4:30pm
Location: 295 Crown Street, bet. High and York Streets
The AACC was established in 1981 in cooperation with affiliated student organizations to promote the social and political awareness of the Asian American community. Today, the Center and the student groups are dedicated to enriching student life by bringing diverse programming to campus including speakers, conferences, dinners, writers, study breaks, artists, activists, movie nights, and much more. The AACC has an Endowment that is managed by the Yale Development Office. This reunion, please consider earmarking your Yale gift to the “AACC Endowment Fund” and receive credit towards your class/reunion gift as well! Any amount is welcome and helps strengthen our capacity to provide programs and services for our students and alumni.
For more information about our center, please visit us at www.yale.edu/aacc or contact Saveena Dhall, Assistant Dean of Yale College & Director of the AACC, saveena.dhall@yale.edu.