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Now Accepting Applications for the 2015 Tina E. Yeh Community Service Fellowship

AAAYA is now accepting applications for the 2015 Tina E. Yeh Community Service Fellowship!

Since the early 1990s, the program has encouraged Yale undergraduates and recent graduates to become involved in community service through summer internships. Our goal is to nurture the leadership development of students and lend support to nonprofit organizations around the country that provide critical services to poor and disenfranchised communities.

Current undergraduates and recent graduates of Yale University of at least 50% Asian ethnic heritage are eligible to apply. We seek applicants both with and without experience at Asian American community organizations. Priority will be given to students on financial aid, but all interested students are encouraged to apply.

The deadline for Summer 2015 applications is February 1, 2015. Application and instructions are available here (DOC | PDF).

More information, including a list of organizations that fellows have worked with, is available on the Tina E. Yeh Fellowship page.


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