Celebrate the Year of the Snake!
The Association of Asian American Yale Alumni-NY Chapter (AAAYA-NYC) cordially invites you to our 5th Annual Lunar New Year Banquet to benefit our Community Service Summer Fellowship program.

Saturday, March 9, 2013
6 pm Dim Sum Reception
7 pm Dinner and Award Presentation
Golden Unicorn Restaurant, 18 East Broadway, NYC
Cash Bar & Raffle Prizes
Performance by P.S. 124 Yung Wing School Lion Dance Troupe
Banquet Honorees
Julie Otsuka, YC ’84, National Book Award-nominated author
Robert Leung, LAW’94, Partner, Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP
Ken Chen, LAW’05, Executive Director, Asian American Writers’ Workshop
Individual Tickets
Early Bird (until February 9) $88
Regular $100
Tables *All tables seat 10
Unicorn Table $1000
Bulldog Table $1250
Dragon Table $2000
For tickets, please visit http://www.eventbrite.com/event/5158346754
Each ticket is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Tickets are non-refundable.
All proceeds from the banquet will benefit the AAAYA Yale Community Service Summer Fellowship Program.
Questions? Please email nyc@aaaya.org.
Year of the Snake logo created by Jinjin Sun, YC’10.