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The AACC needs your help!

This November, in light of a recent integration of student services, growing interest from graduate and professional students in the cultural centers, and the upcoming selection of new directors at La Casa Cultural and the Native American Cultural Center, Yale initiated a formal assessment of the various cultural centers’ visions and role on campus. As part of this effort, Yale convened an external committee to help it consider the work of the centers in light of students’ changing needs and to help it understand the best ways to support the centers.

On November 5, Asian American alumni, including AAAYA representatives, travelled to Yale and met with members of the external committee to share their thoughts and recommendations regarding the AACC.

On November 14, the AAAYA National Board, on behalf of all AAAYA members, submitted its recommendations to the external consultation committee, President Peter Salovey, Yale College Dean Jonathan Holloway, and Secretary Kimberly Goff-Crews, among others. A copy of that AAAYA communication can be found here.

While reports suggest that this external committee’s “directive [was] not to recommend more funding,”it is also true that the cultural centers, especially the AACC, cannot grow without increased support. We ask that you share your AACC experience to ensure that Yale makes a greater commitment to the AACC, and all cultural centers.

Join us in urging Yale to make a greater commitment to the AACC. Please use this draft to share your AACC experience, and send an email to (just click the link): President Peter Salovey at

If you do send an email, please send a copy to AAAYA by manually inserting

Your voice is important. Yale students and alumni affiliated with the other three cultural centers have already provided significant input regarding their views. AAAYA encourages all Asian American alumni to add their important voice to the ongoing conversation about the future of the AACC.

Help make the AACC all that it can and should be, now and for the future.

If you have questions or would like further information, please feel free to email

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