Spring Break Externship Program
Information for Students
The Yale AACC’s Spring Break Externship is an annual program that matches promising Yale undergraduates with alumni in their prospective fields for a one or two weeks unpaid externships during the first week of Yale’s spring break. Our externships are in sectors ranging from technology to education to finance, and our externs come from a variety of academic and geographic backgrounds. The Externship Program is a great chance for students to receive develop mentors of Yale Alumni and the perfect opportunity for students to gain first-hand experience in different career fields.
Sponsorship Opportunities for Alumni
The externships program is made possible by alumni sponsors.
The AACC Spring Break Externship program is a one- or two-week unpaid internship during spring break (an ‘externship’) that brings undergraduate students into the workplaces of Yale alumni sponsors.
The program is meant to give students the opportunity to gain exposure to a professional field of interest and to help them explore the multitude of career paths available to them. By working with or shadowing the alumni sponsor, students gain hands-on experience. Specific duties during the week are left to the alumni sponsor to determine, but alumni sponsors have had students complete a mini-project during the week, invited them to meetings, or allowed them to help/shadow different people in their organization. Alumni sponsors may sponsor multiple student externs. To get an idea of what it's like to be a sponsor, please refer to our previous year's website.
If you are interested in sponsoring one or more students for the 2023 Spring Break Externship program, please contact alumni.aacc@gmail.com
Fellowship News
Who determines the length, format, and specifications of the Spring Break Externship?
The alumni host will determine if they are able to host for one or two weeks during Yale’s Spring Break, how many externs they will be able to accommodate in that period of time, whether it will be virtual or in-person, and what the externship day-to-day schedule will look like as well as deliverable(s) will be, if any.
How are externship site placements determined?
The AACC will facilitate receiving externship application materials (i.e. form, cover letter, resume) from Yale College students who are interested in externship opportunities available according to the application timeline. Those materials will then be shared with the alumni host who will then rank the applicants according to their preferences. Student applicants will also have an opportunity to rank their externship site preferences, if applying to be considered for more than one externship site. The AACC will work to match alumni hosts and student applicants as closely as possible according to their preferences but will not reveal the ranking preferences submitted to either side.